Anyone really, really not tend to agree with people their own age now?


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Seriously, I can't be the only one who just can't stand the political and ethical views of many other young people now, right?

I mean, the social justice stuff was bad enough (equality is a good thing, but trying to punish people for behaviour their ancestors did or attack fictional portrayals is outright insane), but it seems a lot of people online/a lot of young people and college students seem to be living in cloud cuckoo land in general.

Above: No, not this version

The constant obsession with drugs and legalising everything (except whatever older people like, because hey, banning things our parents represent is cool, right?), the general disdain for anyone considered 'wrong' (I really don't like how a lot of people online tend to mock their opponents deaths or generally critique every single thing they say til the cows come home), heck even things like over the top environmentalist tendencies and other such stuff.

I don't know, I just feel like I can't ever possibly agree with people of my own age because these sorts of views and attitudes.

Anyone else feel like that?
I feel like our generation (everyone in their 20's) are just doing things because they can, at least in the US. Our generation is currently obsessed with gay marriage. Before that we were obsessed with voting in the first black president. We are the "first!" generation (you know, those annoying people that put "first" as the first comment rather than actually thinking up a reply). We do these things, we don't really know why, we just get hyped up on some "heartfelt" speech and then act on that blindly without actually knowing why. I think we're just obsessed with the dumb issues, rather than real ones like the gap between the haves and have nots as well as homelessness. Rather than rallying and marching in support of gay marriage why don't we rally in support of "defense" spending being redirected to impoverished neighborhoods or even our infrastructure? So much of Washington is corrupted (just look at that guy in San Francisco dealing in heavy weapons) but the media keeps our attention on other issues.
I have this problem from a very long time now. Some people believe that i think too much and act maturely. Where as other folks believe that I am just childish to no end.

So yeah I don't agree with people my age at all