Anyone still buy calendars?


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Since it is a new year, anyone here still buys calendars in any format?
I just get gifted ones and rarely look at them since I look at my PC calendar for relative dates of the week and planning.
I'll buy gaming or anime ones, depending on the images. Sadly most seem to recycle the same image sometimes making them bad buys.

But this year the 2022 Naruto calender was really good. Wanted MHA or Seven Deadly sins but both looked rather meh.
Never used one so I've never really bought one. Thankfully, no one has bothered to gift me one so none have gone to waste. I just use the calendar app on my phone
I find it easier to keep track of all the holidays with a wall calendar.

I also find it is easier to keep track of holidays, and I can use a pen to write down important dates like due dates for paying internet bills, or returning a library book when I went to the library more often.

I feel large paper calendars are easier to read than the calendar on a phone or a small tablet screen.
I remember having one of those desk calendars and each day you're prompted to do a different origami. I remember getting behind several days so I'd give them away to my co-workers to do lol