Anyone using Internet Explorer 9?


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If so, what are your thoughts on it? I quite like it, although I've only tried it for about ten minutes after downloading it today.
I don't touch IE anymore. Chrome, for me, has always outperformed it.
Internet Explorer got all buggy on me and wouldn't load so I canned it for Firefox...
Haven't got around to downloading it yet, but I might later after school. I'm sure it'll be just as amazing as every other IE though.
IE9 was only just released 3 days ago, so I doubt many people have even tried it. You're all like "it's IE, so it sucks". Anyway, as my sig says, I'm using Firefox 4.0 RC1, well at home that is. I'm at work, on a really old laptop, and I'm currently using IE6 ... yeah, that one that came out in 2001 that microsoft are so desperate for people to stop using, they they even made a website encouraging people to stop using IE6 and update... but then, this lap top is running Windows XP SP1 which came out in 2002 and is discontinued..... but then since when have public computers been up-to-date? I bet the school I went to still uses Windows 98 or something.
TUK, i tried a beta they were offering that failed to load every time. It might work better no, but I don't care enough to try...
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I did the same as Porkman, which is probably the cause of the compatibility issues. But still, Chrome is way better anyways.
IE9 now has CSS3 support. ABOUT DAMN TIME. But that doesn't excuse IE8 and lower, like TUK said. Goodness knows what the old granny's are running on their 1-bit machines (terrible, uninformed computer joke). I'll have to download it soon.
I can't get IE 9.T_T You have to have Windows 7 or Vista. I have Windows xp. Oh well. I'll stick to IE 8 still better than the other browsers like Opera. Or Chrome, which I was told by my friend, sucks more than FireFox and you'd have to suck pretty hard to beforse than FF.
I don't undertand all the crap IE gets. I have, and have used firefox, safari, Chrome, and IE.. IE works best by far.
So **** off, IE works just fine.