Anyone watch any business like shows?


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Like The Apprentice or Dragon's Den?

Admittedly, neither are particularly popular any more in the US, and apparently your equivalents went downhill quite a bit recently, but I've always found them a bit entertaining to watch, and found it quite fun to sigh and shake my head at people who go on the shows talking about some 'successful internet business' and yet really have no traffic and likely no income from their sites.
they sure as hell get a whole bunch of that in Dragon's Den. Some ideas on that are actually pretty dang good though.
Dragon's Den was interesting.. I didn like british Apprentice, sorry. The US Trump version is better. Brithis reality shows to ofter rely only on drama, making stuff to serious for my taste. Like British WipeOut seemed like a drama compared to the other once. Been watchign the Celeberty Apprentice this season, cuz the ppl they have are hilarious: GARY BUSEY!!! (LOOOOOVE THAT CRAZY MAN) , LIL JOHN, MEAT LOAF and so on.. put those ppl under a shit load of pressure and then expect them to perform. It's television Gold!
Charlie Brooker's done some interesting writing on the subject of The Apprentice and the berks that populate it. You should read his articles.
Does The Office count? *Shifty eyes*

But yeah, I watch the Apprentice too.
you're talking about the British one, right?
I watched maybe the first couple seasons of The Apprenticeship before it bored me. Because, I get plenty of Trump drama these days what with him gunning for the Republican presidential nomination (though I'd be FLOORED if he did actually get it).
I watched maybe the first couple seasons of The Apprenticeship before it bored me. Because, I get plenty of Trump drama these days what with him gunning for the Republican presidential nomination (though I'd be FLOORED if he did actually get it).

Oh, i hope he does. It'll be hilarious, especially after it seems he might be be running against a Radio host besides Obama if he gets it. At least that was who won the democratic debate the other day. Would make an interesting 2012

And Nin3Ds, you should check out the British one, seriously, you might be used to the british shows, but i feel the american version is a bit more exciting. They are showing the british one here on BBC Entertainment as well right not, it seems even at the same time as they show there, cuz when you said you were going to watch, it was on here as well!.. thought tht was weird (I'm in INdia)