

Gaming Historian
Full GL Member
I'm sorry.

My bad.

I shouldn't have done that.

My foremost apologies.

I hate apologies, they do nothing. I have never seen an I'm sorry mend wounds, fix a problem, or change the status quo as a whole.

Say you were...I dunno, hit by a car while crossing the street, the driver saying "I'm sorry!" isn't gonna fix your broken bones or trashed bike/skateboard, now is it?

"I'm sorry" isn't gonna make a significant other any less pissed that you're breaking up with them or what have you.

Honestly, words do nothing. Apologies suck.
Indeed, I don't like apologizing either since it does very little to help out the situation. It makes both people feel awkward sometimes.
I don't have a problem with apologizing, because when I do, I do mean it, and do NOT repeat the same behavior. Usually, it is because I was wrong, or I made a mistake and I do learn from them and do, I know not to do it again. However, I can see your points, and they are valid to an extent, but there are some instances in which those who say it truly mean it, and those who hear it truly believe it.

I used to think the same about apologies and didn't say it and it led people to believe that I just didn't care. Sometimes, people just want to hear something that indicates remorse.

Apologies don't mean anything if you knew from the start that it was wrong to do it, or you know that you are going to repeat your behavior, but it isn't fair to tar all of them with the same brush because accidents do happen, people do make mistakes, do mean it when they apologize, and it does make others feel better. These people may be unable to move on without that indication of remorse because it gives them some sort of closure.
Indeed, apologies can make someone seem less heartless. For example, if someone in a wheelchair or scooter accidental push a person because they were not watching where they were going, and refuse to apologize and just kept wheeling along. It would seem heartless. Plus, you can't expect a guy in a wheelchair to pick you up due to his limited range of motion.
Apologizing is a way to recognize that something said or did before was wrong. People don't always mean it, but they know what they have done was wrong.

That's all it is.

It's not meant for the receiver to feel better. It's said so that the person who did the wrong will feel better.

Sorry's do help though in certain cases.

If you friend accidentally hits you, he'll apologize. Now you can't tell me that this helps, otherwise you might think "Wow, he's rude for not apologizing."

So you want him to apologize, right?
I think apologizing works depending on the situation. Say you accidentally give them a little shove, then I think it's fine. If you shoot them, even by accident... well that's just self explanatory.