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For anyone who has ever heard of league, even if you've never played the game, or do not like the game, I HIGHLY recommend you watching Arcane on netflix. My S/O didn't want to watch it because she had no interest in league of legends, however after watching it she's now hooked on the lore of the game :tearsofjoy: the story and everything with it is amazing, and they did a phenomenal job on every aspect of it. It's amazing to see the lore become official again, since they removed it all several years ago...
Just got netflix and had this teased to me, I will most likely check it out.
How interesting. I've never picked up the game. I will have to look out for the title when I'm browsing through Netflix.
No dice for me since no Ahri's PLOT. lol


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maybe season 2?
maybe but cleary Jinx is the main stuff here. Dota Dragon's Blood anime did good with Mirana and Davion adaptation. Too bad it's not the case here. Not a fan of flat Jinx lol

I would watch it if it's about Ahri and Yasuo.

The show should be like this one:
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The recently released single player League Of Legends RPG has a good story and with Ahri's PLOT lol :

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Dota masterrace buuuuuut I need more of this in my life. This show set the fucking bar for the entire animation industry both in the east and the west. And that too from a video game adaptation which people expect to be shit.