Are buying computer parts from a local store harder during the Coronavirus outbreak lockdown?


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I think some local computer stores maybe closed for now until the Coronavirus lockdown is over, or their store got cleaned of the Coronavirus if an infected person infected their store.

I feel going out to buy computer parts can be harder because of a lack of workers, and needing to wear a face mask and plastic gloves to protect yourself from getting the Coronavirus at a store.

Standing 6 feet away from people to prevent getting the Coronavirus in the store can be hard as well if the store is pack of computer parts, and people.

I heard there are some computer parts shortages because of the Coronavirus lockdown, so buying parts can be harder if there is a parts shortage.
I would have to say yes
My laptop crashed due to since hardware failure and now I can't even get proper parts to fix it
I would have to say yes
My laptop crashed due to since hardware failure and now I can't even get proper parts to fix it

I feel finding a store to fix laptops maybe harder since some stores maybe closed until the Coronavirus lockdown is over, or the owner of the store may feel it is better to shutdown their repair store forever if they are having money problems caused by people not going shopping at local stores because of fear of the Coronavirus infecting yhem.
Only place I have in town is best buy and you can't go into the store. So no, not really buying parts right now.
they do, but sometimes you need to go in and look at it.

Going into a store to look at what you buy might be risky if many buyers also were in Bestbuy, and a few people are infected with the Coronavirus, and coughing and sneezing into the air.