Are games getting to real?


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About 20 years ago, gamers were playing video games made of sprites and slowly advancing to 3D models.

With many games of today, they look as good as a movie. To me though, I rather video games keep a animation type style as seen in the legend of zelda, mario, sly cooper, ect.

What do you think? Are games getting to real to be called video games?
Well to be honest there are some game series that will never attempt hyper-realism like a lot of Nintendo's series. Doing so would most likely put the characters in the uncanny valley and a lot of work would be needed to overcome that. On the other hand we have the first person shooter market mostly attempting to jump over the uncanny valley into the realm of hyper realism and I think both are fine. It is always nice to see a mix of Stylized and realistic games out there and I think that will continue, I don't think every developer is going to push for realism when stylisation can achieve so much with audiences as well.
I like realistic games, Battlefield 3, and non-realistic games, Final Fantasy. I could honestly care less if they are getting too real or not.