Are instant on electronics like Smartphones, and Tablets taking sales away from computers?


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It is possible that fast loading Tablets, smart phones, Video players,etc are taking away sales from computers, and laptops since Tablets, smart phones, and Tablets turn on in only a few seconds, and have better battery life in many cases.
I think a blogger with a tablet with a bluetooth keyboard case, or USB keyboard case can very easily use a Tablet to write blog posts, and tweets. There also seem to be more apps like Word Proccessors, blogging programs, and accessories like keyboards. mice to make a Tablet more usable to more people when their sitting at the desk or a passenger in a car.
I think a blogger with a tablet with a bluetooth keyboard case, or USB keyboard case can very easily use a Tablet to write blog posts, and tweets. There also seem to be more apps like Word Proccessors, blogging programs, and accessories like keyboards. mice to make a Tablet more usable to more people when their sitting at the desk or a passenger in a car.
Try web coding while looking down at that small of a screen and compare it to working on a desktop setup... Trust me it is much much easier and more comfortable.
Indeed, but I think the best typist can probably type without really looking at the screen, and all they need is a good keyboard, and mouse. Someone probably come out with a magnify option for tablets when more people used them to type.