Are more people gaming on devices they already own like PC, Smartphone, and Tablet?


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Yes, I think more people are playing games on devices they already own like PC, Smartphone, and tablet because there are online marketplaces/app stores which constantly advertise free and paid games for users to download and play on their PC, Smartphone, and tablet when they use the app store, so finding games is not as hard as in the past where you need to go to a store to buy a Game CD to install a program on your PC.

Many inexpensives tablets, and smartphones which cost $99-199 can play 3D games, and $400-500 AMD APU PC, and Intel i3-i5 CPU with Intel 4000 HD graphics can play some 3D games on low or medium video settings, so people with more newer cheap mobiles, and PC may be more likely to play games on them because their device can already support 3D games without any upgrades needed.

The internet also has a lot of ads, websites, and e-mail newsletters advertising the latest games to download, and play on phones, tablets, and PC.

Some regular apps, and programs have hidden games also called easter eggs which you can open by typing in a code, or enabling a setting in the options, so some people may play hidden easter egg games in their apps, and programs.
I only play a few games on my phone but you have to have a console like the 360 to be able to play and have the best gaming experience.
I feel the PC is the best gaming experience if you have a good Gaming PC with a good video card, lots of RAM, a faster CPU, and Solid State Hard drive. Certain types of games like MMORPG, Real Time Strategy, Tower Defense, and first person shooter seems to play better on the PC with keyboard and mouse because of shortcut keys, and key combos for doing multiple actions in the game faster.

Plus, some games like World of Warcraft, Second Life, and Starcraft 2 are not available for consoles. MMO games like Final Fantasy 11, Guild War, League of Legends and EverQuest seem more suited for the PC than controller based consoles because a lot of the time players use text chat to talk with other players in the game.