Are Online Friends Real Friends?


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Online friends can be real friends since they can share similar interests, good personality and choose to be friends with each other.
Some people who are friends with people in reality just be their friends based on their friends looks, money, power and their popularity which is less rare for online friends since you don't know how most of the people online look like, their status, money, or power.
depends on how much you interact with them, just saying yes to a facebook friend request and never speaking to them is not a real friend.

But if you interact with them greatly, then yes they can be real friends. I even know two people who were just complete internet strangers who will be marrying soon due to a strong common interest.
depends on how much you interact with them, just saying yes to a facebook friend request and never speaking to them is not a real friend.

But if you interact with them greatly, then yes they can be real friends. I even know two people who were just complete internet strangers who will be marrying soon due to a strong common interest.
This is how I met my boyfriend. We just share strong common interests, and agree on a lot.
I also knew someone who meet their husband online. I think it was on LavaLife or another type of dating site like, or