Are people less likely to post more than one reply on a blog compared to a forum?


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In my experience, most commenters on blogs usually just post one reply per topic/post instead of more than 1 reply like on forums.
Just depends on the content and the engaging activity. But you are more likely to get more from a forum.
Usually people would just post one comment on a blog and leave as the reply system usually won't notify the comment poster if someone replies to their comment. But for those who do see the replies, if their comment gets any anyway, will either just leave due to the replies being irrelevant or they will go through the trouble of replying to that person as they are passionate/offended by the comment.

Its also annoying posting on blogs because A: Most blog replies are fake or made by the blog poster to make their blog look more popular or B: Its annoying going through the process of signing up or subscribing to a blog just to share your opinion. On a forum like this one, you just sign up once and you are free to speak your mind whenever you want and its much easier to do so.
Its also annoying posting on blogs because A: Most blog replies are fake or made by the blog poster to make their blog look more popular

I never knew that most blog replies are fake and posted by the blog poster.

It seems like a waste of time posting fake replies to your own blog post when you can spend the time on better things like promoting a post on social networks, or writing more posts on your blog.
I agree. I think most people on blogs will only reply once per post, whereas on a forum, they'll reply multiple times.
I also think a lot of readers on blogs are more likely not to reply to a post than a forum post because I feel blogs' community are not as talkative, and a lot of people just read blogs for the information instead of conversations on topics like forums.
Well like Demon_Skeith said, it all depends on the content. If its some thing that will attract a reader it will receive more views and reply's. Thats why it is so impotent that there a lot of content on any of them.
You'll get more from a forum because that's kind of the purpose of it; to discuss a topic. For a blog, most people are just there to read content, not to comment on it.
There is usually more interaction on a forum than in a blog's comments section, but I agree, it really depends on the content. I have seen some pretty long comment sections on blog articles that concerned issues like personal experiences and such...
This is certainly a possibility. I never expected anything else. Bu blogs are very difficult to maintain unlike forums.

I would rather not open a blog....
Probably. Remember, most blog commenters are not regular visitors, they're just people wanting to give their two cents on a single post and then leave for good.

On the other hand, forum members tend to stick around for the long term. So it's not surprising people post more replies on forums compared to blogs.