Are teens who earned money and fame at a early age taken more seriously by most people then averag


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Teens like Justin Bieber with money and fame may be taken more seriously by more people (especially their fan base "teenage girls and boys" vs teens living off their parents wages because some people think young people can earn money are more mature since they made a lot of cash, have a successful career and gained a large fan base before their early 20s which most adults in the entertainment industry failed to do because their music and films are not noticed.

The 17 year old who spent 2 years fixing and selling Cell phones to sell on Craigslist, and made enough money to buy a Porsche Sports car and multiple other cars, SUV in 2 years probably have more people take him seriously because he work so hard fixing up cell phones, and made enough for a nice car which many people can't afford to drive in their entire lifetime.

of course they would, the more $ and fame you gut the bigger your name will be. Weather it be good or bad.
I agree the more money and fame you have, The more people know you like "Perez Hilton" the celebrity blogger he makes 54,000 USD or more a week and has Millions of visitors per day. He got famous mainly by writing juicy gossip about famous people in Hollywood.
I heard the late Gary Coleman sued his parents because they spent all his money he earned from "Different strokes".

A lot of child/teen stars like Miley Cyrus, Justin Bieber, etc also employ a lot of people, so it won't be a good idea disrespecting them if you work for Disney or Usher's music brand.
I heard the late Gary Coleman sued his parents because they spent all his money he earned from "Different strokes".

A lot of child/teen stars like Miley Cyrus, Justin Bieber, etc also employ a lot of people, so it won't be a good idea disrespecting them if you work for Disney or Usher's music brand.

damn they did? never knew that.
Legal and financial struggles
In 1989, Coleman sued his parents and former business adviser over misappropriation of his $3.8 million trust fund,[14][15] and won a $1,280,000 judgment in 1993


Gary Coleman's life as a child star, and adult seems very tragic. He sued his adoptive parents since I read online he was adopted.
I also find it kind of sad that a lot of the people who were closest to him in his life like his parents, and ex-lover seem to took advantage of his money and fame since the judge ask his parents to pay Gary back what he earned from Different Strokes, and his ex-wife took pictures him while he was dieing in the hospital according to

Gary Coleman's Wife Behind Gruesome Photos
6/7/2010 9:30 AM PDT by TMZ Staff

TMZ has learned ... Gary Coleman's ex-wife is the mastermind behind the photos which show the actor in the hospital, bloodied, with tubes sticking out of his body ... and there's also a photo taken after he died.

We're told Shannon Price had a production company shoot the photos.

Our sources say Shannon is featured in one of the photos.

We're told the photos are being shopped around for five-figures ... and Shannon is set to get a cut of the profits.
I also find it kind of sad that a lot of the people who were closest to him in his life like his parents, and ex-lover seem to took advantage of his money and fame since the judge ask his parents to pay Gary back what he earned from Different Strokes, and his ex-wife took pictures him while he was dieing in the hospital according to

when it comes to money you be best betting that the greed in people will over take them quickly.