Are the price of books too expensive?


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Some books are expensive if they are poorly written, or the price is unreasonable like hundreds of dollars.

But, there are some books like Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Sherlock Holmes, etc which can be worth the price because they offer days to months of entertainment compared to some movies, games, and music which you only listen to once, or don't complete because they are too boring to finish.
The good part about digital books are free digital books from free eBooks which you can download from your local library if they have eBook lending program, and I think Amazon,, and many other ebook retailers offer free downloads for public domain ebooks which are copyright-free. offer 43,200 free ebooks to download on its site.

Over time, there would be many free digital alternatives to paid eBooks since hosting eBooks on DropBox, and free file sharing sites is free, so the only cost is to the author who needs to buy a computer to type out the ebook, electricity costs for typing on a PC, and use his internet connection to upload his ebooks to different free websites. He can make money off his free eBooks by putting ads, and links on his eBooks which make him money everytime someone buys something from his links like how some free websites makes money.

The Amazon Kindle, and Kindle Fire tablet now has an ad-version, so Amazon is making money from ads. Amazon can probably afford to give away a few paid ebooks a month because they earn some money from the ads which appears on their Kindle eReaders and tablets, and from purchases people make when using their Kindle Fire Tablet.
I would never want a digital text book for school as I do a lot of page flipping and would be rather slow to do on a tablet.
Most ebook programs like the Kindle and Kobo eBook App have a button for flipping pages, and you can search for pages by using the table of contents, built-in search engines in the eBook, and bookmarks you place inside of eBooks. You can also type in what page you want to go to, and it would go to the page.

Some digital books can be read with a text to speech programs like audiobooks, but the computerize voice is sometimes not very good unless the digital book publisher hired a person with a good voice to read the book for you.

You can also read Kindle e-books on a PC, Mac, Smartphone, Tablet, eReader and devices with Web Browsers.
For every page I can flip on a tablet I can flip ten in real life.

For the five seconds it would take to input a page number on a kindle I could already have looked at the page in real life and resume my work.
An eReader like the Original Kindle eReaders have weeks of battery life because it uses e-ink which only consumes power when turning pages, but there is no backlight, so you can't read in the dark unless you buy the backlight version of Kindle which is more expensive.

I prefer an eReader because it is more durable,thin and lighter. I can also read in the sun because there is no glare/reflection on E-ink screens.
FTON said:
Ebooks look like a great invention.
I agree eBooks are a great invention. It lets anyone who know how to type on a computer, and use a Word Processor like MS Word, OpenOffice to start writing eBooks if they know how to write English, or whatever language they speak.

Plus, there are a lot of sites to upload ebooks to let people download for free, or buy for a few dollars on your website, and 3rd party website like Clickbank, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and iTunes, so the average writer no longer needs to find a publisher, agent, and book factory to print out your book for very high prices.
I just spent 140 dollars on five college text books, if I got them at my school I would have had to spend over $400! *gives the middle finger to school bookstores.*

So I say yes, text books are costly if you don't know where to look.
I suggested that my sister use the RedLaser app for iPhone to do her book search because they had even more sources than the sites I gave you DS, in addition to the ones I gave you.

I gave her a shit load of advice though. I told her that she might think it is a good idea to get that name brand notebook for $10, but the $2 one at the dollar store will do the same thing.

She got a lot of money from financial aid as well as her scholarships and so, she will be left with a lot of money when she finishes her first semester. i told her that she might be tempted to spend it but she shouldn't because she can just as easily have no money for supplies next semester.

Oh, how I wish I could have redone college..
Well, I believe so.
Because I have tried to get some manga and they are just too much. So, I have limited my purchases but still a hard copy of the book can't be compared to a soft copy.
I think whether or not a book is expensive depends on the entertainment value of the book. If I can't finish the book because it is too boring, then I don't think it was worth the price of the book.