Are there any anime that your looking forward to?


Well-Known Member
I can't wait for the new season of SAO. Besides the fact that Kirito is playing a girl character, I think the new season of SAO is going to be the best anime of the season. I'm also watching out for the second season of No Game No Life even though the first just came out.
Ditto on the SAO OP. I'm pretty excited for it. Hopefully we won't have anymore weird sections of the anime (ALO) and it stays nice and good throughout. :)
Alfheim was a little strange, but I think it was a nice ending to the anime. I feel that it was needed in order to close off everything that they didn't finish in SAO. Plus it was worth it just to see Kirito turn into a demon and destroy an entire guild of players.
Space Dandy season 2 Baby.

The first was pretty good, a lot of comedy mixed with action and a bit of boobies. It was actually emotional at times as well. Thinking about QT and his cofffe house crush. All around a good series that deserves to be continued. I haven't checked to see if Toonami is going to be airing it when it's being released in Japan or if we'll have to wait extra time to see it dubbed but I can't wait.
Considering the fact that i am as of like, a month or more back on a 6-month break from anime (possibly longer) I'm pretty much looking forward to everything. I can't wait until those 6 months has passed to be honest. It's not like I'm spending each day thinking about it a lot, and it's not very "painful" or anything to wait, but rather so is it like... Uhm.
It may sound strange, but it is a bit like this:

With anime, my life had a meaning.
Without anime, I live each day as it is, not caring too much about accomplishing anything or doing something important. What is important now is to get good marks, earn money so that I can buy more anime, and so on. Room for enjoyment? Not much, I am a robot meant to earn more money, learn more things, fun is something I can have after the break is over.

I don't actually mind being like this, and I think reason for that is that I have a very high level of endurance when it comes to things such as these. I can just, keep on living each day without caring too much about it. Truly it may be like "wasting" time but... I don't quite care all that much.

Anyway, as far as upcoming shows goes... I think Sailor Moon Crystal, Wixoss season 2, and the new Legend of the Galactic Heroes is something that I look forward to.
SAO 2 will be interesting, but my expectations aren't too high.
I never knew about Fate / Kaleid which seems to relate to the Fate Stay Night series. I'll have to look it up after.
Outside of that Shirogane No Ishi Agrevollen looks like it may be worth having a gander at -- I'm a sucker for mecha animes.
Hard to say on the rest, I'll have to casually glance at them when they're on crunchy.
Jupiter8619 said:
I'm really looking for the new Ghost In The Shell: Rise. Can't wait to get my hands on it when its released on DVD.
I wouldn't have any high expectations on that one.