Are there any instances in games where time limitations have been a good thing?

Dan The Man

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I was doing a MHW hunt with the typical 50 minute time limit, hunted for a beast for 40 minutes before I found him, then failed the quest while fighting it. What's the point of a time limit here? That got me to wondering if there has ever been a game or series that makes good use of the restriction?

Some Atelier games and Final Fantasy XIII-3 are other instances where I've experienced what seem like pointless constraints, possibly put in place for artificial difficulty hikes.

Seems just unnecessary to me, but have you ever encountered a game with meaningful use of this parameter?
Ummmm, Zelda Majora's Mask? You only have three days so you are always rushing to complete something.
With some of the games I play, I feel like a time limit wouldn't be good. Like when I played some of the Harry Potter games, there are so many different side things that you have to do in that game that I feel like you wouldn't be able to get them all done if you had a time limit.
Time limits in games makes my heart skip a beat, cus some moment you are more afraid of when the time limit is reach than afraid you can't kill the monster or whatever the mission.