Are there too many types of electronics which can access the internet?


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Yes, I think there are too many types of devices which can go on the internet since there are cars, planes, boats, buses, RVs, MP3/Video players, watches, Blu-Ray players, TVs, printers, refridgerators, cell phones, computers, laptops, tablets, handhelds, radios, etc which can access the internet.

It is cool to have the internet on everything, but I think it is not very useful for the average person to have so much internet access at all times, and this can lead to people having internet addiction problems with Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Netflix, and Hulu for people with poor self-control, and can afford all these internet connected devices which I mentioned aboves.
you do know that some people can't live without the net, so they would view it as not enough devices don't have internet access.
Someone might as well make goggles or glasses with a small monitors and computer built-into it for going online, so huge internet fans can go online anywhere by wearing their hat, and using a small wireless keyboard, and mouse to move the cursor, and type.