Are vehicles like electric bikes, cars, etc are becoming more expensive because of too much technology built-into them?


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Technology like tablets, speakers, cameras, computers, and digital screens can be very expensive, so adding more technology into vehicles like electric bikes, cars, air planes, etc will most likely raise the price.
The thing is, there is so much competition now that most items will either stick with current prices or companies will try to undercut other brands. Only the expensive brands will try to make their products more expensive
Electric or not, I do feel cars have too much tech in them.
I feel some of the tech like the touchscreen and sensors in cars can also be very expensive to fix. The high tech parts maybe hard to find in a few years, so there is a chance the owner may have to sell their car to a used car dealer, junk yard, or spend a lot of money trying to fix their car where it maybe more worth it to buy another new or used car which is in good working condition.
Well, that would be the case too.
Electric cars are very expensive as far as I know but in the long run, they don't cost too much for maintenance and such......Well, having latest technology is good for vehicles....but....the price should be reasonable too.
That's how I feel anyway.
I feel one of the other advantages of electric cars is that the price of electricity is less likely to suddenly go up in price because of political problems, gas factory explosions, and gas taxes.

Plus, the price of motor oil/lubricants for gas engines can cost a lot as well. If you own a more expensive gas car like BMW 328i the cost of an oil change can be between $148 and $173 according to BMW 328i Oil Change Cost Estimate

A lot of people say the price of replacement gas engine parts can be expensive to repair for some gas luxury cars made by, and some of the parts are sometimes made of cheaper materials like plastics and rubber, so they may not be worth the exoensive price.
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