Are video games in general less exciting than they used to be?


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I don't know why, but I've always felt they are to be honest. Probably because back in the olden days, changes and differences between generations were much more notable and interesting.

Arcade/Atari to NES/Master System/whatever was going from blocky pixel things to somewhat recognisable characters and settings.

NES to SNES was from extremely basic graphics to ones that actually looked sort of like a cartoon or something.

SNES/Genesis to Nintendo 64/Playstation was going from 2D to 3D.

And heck, even N64 to Gamecube/Playstation 2/Xbox was going from 'lego style 3D figures with basic textures' to 'actually rather detailed 3D models in detailed environments'.

But now what? The 3DS's 3D was cool enough, for about five minutes or so. Motion controls never really worked out too well in the long run. And practically speaking, the jump from Playstation 3/Xbox 360 to Playstation 4/Xbox One isn't really that impressive. Oh sure, the games look a bit shinier and more detailed, but that's it. There's nothing revolutionary any more.

Anyone else feel the same way?
I think the latest generation of consoles are trying to have more HD graphics, and an emphasis on multi-tasking in the video game system. To be honest, most of the features of both consoles haven't really impressed me that much. I mean, I don't consider whether or not a game looks fantastic if I was considering buying it. The fact that several games are being made for not only the Xbox1/PS4, but also the Xbox360/PS3, means that there really isn't that much of a difference graphics-wise.
Seems like we've reached the limit to how video games can be played. :( Unless some cool simulation game like, have you seen the movie Gamer? Where the player mirrors your actions. That would be awesome, but would take a long time. :/

Well 3D doesn't have to be solely on the Nintendo 3DS, I mean most games on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 are compatible on 3D TV's and most likely so would PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, I haven't tried but I definitely would like to experience. :grin:
I'd say so. It's why I still find myself playing my Nintendo 64, and other classic video game consoles rather than my newer ones more often.

Nowadays it's just a war between developers to see who can create the best game...
I guess having a brand new way to play games every time just isn't important to me. I prefer traditional controls anyway, and so long as the graphics don't give me a headache, I'm good. I'm more interested in the story and having fun. Stuff doesn't have to be some revolutionary advancement every time for me to find it enjoyable!
It's not that they're less exciting, they're just a little too repetitive. I mean I love the New Super Mario Bros. games and I could play them over and over with friends, but sometimes I like taking out of the old NES and playing the classic. Heck Yoshi's New Island just came out and I'm here playing Yoshi's Story on my N64 and I'm having a blast.

Really It's quality over quantity. Something that Medal of Dutyfield has no understanding. Because all of those games are the same and it's gets very boring, but it makes money so good for them I guess. That's why the newer Mario games are getting more hate because they're not doing anything all that different. Which I don't mind because I prefer 2D platforming, but I will admit it could use more. It would be cool to see a Mario game go from 3D to 2D like in the new Sonic games because that really adds perspective. That's another reason why Smash Bros. is thriving because we had the original in 1999, Melee in 2002/2003 I think, and Brawl in 2008. Because there isn't a new Smash Bros. game every few years we crave a new one because we've all done all we can do in the first 3, but they're still fun to go back to.
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