Are you a competitive person? Why/why not?


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I feel like I am, to a certain extent, especially when it comes to jobs. If youre not the very best, what are you there for? How about you?
To a certain extent, yes. It depends on what I'm doing. Sometimes I'm just competitive with myself and try to out-do something I've already done.
I’m so competitive that it’s actually painful. ^^;

Which kind of sucks because I’m terrible at most things lol but I want to be perfect at everything I do or try to outdo myself in things I know I’m good at.
I can be, I used to get really mad if I ever lost, but managed to get that under control.
Competitive at first, yes. However, if I lose I feel like it's my feelings that let it happen on purpose to make them or me feel better that solves the problem. For jobs, sure, but I have money that I figure most can't compete with and it's a natural monetary disadvantage by default.
Me and the girls always like to compete for high scores and submit them on the Nintendo 3DS Central Record Hall! If you don't know who they are, then swing by Nintendo 3DS Central to meet them (and maybe join)!