Are you concerned about your cell phone battery running out of power during the Coronavirus lockdown?


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The Coronavirus lockdown have close most public places like public libraries, community centers, parks, and restaurants, so if my home loses power for many days, or I forgot to charge my phone before going out, it will be harder to find an electrical outlet at a public place like a library to charge a cell phone. Not having battery power in a cell phone is concerning if I need to phone, but can't call the police to report a crime, call an Ambulance if I see someone who suddenly fainted , or call the fire department if I see a fire or car accident on the street where I maybe the only witness to report a crime or fire because the streets are very empty during the Coronavirus lockdown.
Not really.

Over here, we have a backup power source and not to mention that, the power cut is a thing of the past o_O
Charge your USB power-banks!
I feel buying a older style flip phone/feature-phone which is not a smartphone can be a good idea if you tend to charge your phone many times per week or day when you are out like volunteering outside by picking up garbage at the beach or park, and the Coronavirus lovkdown is making it harder for you to borrow electricity from a public place.

I think there are some flip phones/feature phones which have batteries which can last many hours of talk time, and send a lot of texts before totally running out of power. A cheap $20 USB power bank battery can probabably charge a basic flip phone many times before the USB batterry power bank runs out of power, and need to be recharged as well.

I also seen some hand crank cell phone chargers which can charge a flip phone by cranking the crank charger for a few minutes.
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