Are you excited about Windows 7?


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No, not really. I still find XP pro to be a good OS, and good enough for most people.
I need to see more of W7 before I can start saying things about it. I just hope that MS is learning to make this based off the things people hated about vista.
I heard W7 will have Digital Rights Management Technology in it, so I don't think people will like that part about it.

I think most people just get it if they are planning to get a new PC when W7 comes out.

If Vista SP2 fixs most bugs I probably won't get it.
QUOTE (froggyboy604 @ March 08, 2009 12:59 am) I heard W7 will have Digital Rights Management Technology in it, so I don't think people will like that part about it.

I think most people just get it if they are planning to get a new PC when W7 comes out.

If Vista SP2 fixs most bugs I probably won't get it.
what is the Digital Rights Management Technology?
It is sort of like those Song files you buy from iTunes or other online store which only allow you to play the files on your own computer.
Vista seems to be getting better with every few updates it releases onto windows Update,
QUOTE (froggyboy604 @ March 09, 2009 02:16 am) It is sort of like those Song files you buy from iTunes or other online store which only allow you to play the files on your own computer.

Dear God
QUOTE (Xloce @ March 16, 2009 08:25 pm) QUOTE (froggyboy604 @ March 09, 2009 02:16 am) It is sort of like those Song files you buy from iTunes or other online store which only allow you to play the files on your own computer.

Dear God
Well, there goes my plans... nah, kidding, mostly... I bet you ten bucks, I know five people that could stop that feature from working. But I wont mention that

I think se7en will be good, I dunno it will have to be better than vista, but I doubt that it will be better than Ubuntu Linux, imo.
Well if it offers dual XP/Vista compatibility and DirectX10 as well as maintaining the processing minimums of 1GB Ram and 2Ghz of processing power I'm all for it. I once thought of downloading the Vista skin that makes XP look like a Vista OS but meh.
QUOTE (Stosh @ March 16, 2009 08:56 pm) Man, I did it backwards, I got an XP theme for Vista.
Well, your trying at least

*gives a cookie*
I'm using the Windows 2000/98 skin for Vista since I like how it is basic and grey, and easy to use.