Are you good at singing?


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Some people enjoy singing and likes to feel good at it. To sing is good for the mood too. Are you good at singing or very bad at it?
I couldn't carry a tune in a bucket.

The only time I'll sing out loud is when I'm in the car by myself and I have the radio on.
I cannot sing. I do sing a song or a few lyrics when I’m alone but I know I’m not musically inclined. I’ve never been into trying to see if I could master the skill.
For those who like to sing, how did you realize you were good at it? Did you take lessons?
Too good for me to not try monetizing it. But I have no place to record cause everything in my house makes noise through the thin walls.
I'm good at singing only when I'm taking my bath. I get inspiration to sing whenever I'm talking my bath. I've been to the studio a few times to sing but I don't have the talent.