Are you less likely to go into a store to try something out if you see a video of using something on


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Yes, I mainly rely on YouTube product reviews and demos for video games, and other things like electronics, game consoles, and cell phones before I buy. I can see the user using the product in the video, and hear his opinion on it and know if it is good or not in most cases.

Like this review for the BlackBerry Playbook

I prefer to try it out myself first, even if I do see a video of it in use.
Same for me, I like trying it out as well, but if it is a cheap or a product which is very known for being high quality like the Wii,PS2, etc. I just buy it online.

Usually the opinions on the video are a lot more useful then the opinions from the sales staff at a electronics store since sales staff never talk about the bad things about a product while a video tech reviewer usually does talk about the good and the bad parts of a product.