Are you more likely to buy a cheap tablet if it came with a keyboard case?


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I probably be more likely to buy a cheap tablet if it came with a keyboard case instead of buying another cheap tablet which cost the same price, but don't come with a keyboard case. I prefer using a case on my tablet to protect it from scratches, and drops, and a keyboard can come in handy for typing longer comments on forums where a touchscreen keyboard is not as good for typing long comments.
If its a choice between a cheap tablet without a keyboard case or a cheap tablet of the same price without one, yeah, I'd definitely go with the one that has the keyboard case. :P I'd overall prefer to just save up for a better quality one though. I've never owned a tablet, but both of my parents have had cheapies in the past and they didn't last long enough to be worth the price. 
niightwind said:
If its a choice between a cheap tablet without a keyboard case or a cheap tablet of the same price without one, yeah, I'd definitely go with the one that has the keyboard case. :P I'd overall prefer to just save up for a better quality one though. I've never owned a tablet, but both of my parents have had cheapies in the past and they didn't last long enough to be worth the price. 
I agree many of those cheapie tablets don't last as long, but I think most people who buy $30-50 tablets don't expect them to last for many years like someone who paid $500 for an iPad.

I think one of the good things of buying a cheap tablet which come with a keyboard case is that the keyboard will probably work on a PC, Laptop, or other tablet with USB or Bluetooth connections.
If they are the same price, I would go for the one with the keyboard case, although I never use a keyboard for my tablet. I don't use my tablet too much anyways, and when I do, it is mostly for apps (such as Kik and Skype) and mobile games...
alakazam said:
If they are the same price, I would go for the one with the keyboard case, although I never use a keyboard for my tablet. I don't use my tablet too much anyways, and when I do, it is mostly for apps (such as Kik and Skype) and mobile games...
I think for Windows 8.1 tablets, having a keyboard will be more important because the number of popular touchscreen tablet apps like YouTube Official App from Google are not available compared to iOS, and Android with more popular apps, so Windows 8.1 tablet users will need to open a desktop web browser to type in the website address in the address bar to go to a website to upload a video, or image file from a web browser.
I'd have to agree that typing long messages in forums are a drag when it comes to touch screen keyboards.  I use a bluetooth keyboard sometimes when I am using my iPad as it makes typing a lot easier.  Like the others have mentioned - if the choice is between a cheap tablet VS a cheap tablet with a keyboard case I would go for the latter especially if the price do not vary that much.