Are you ready for Steam summer sale?


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As you might have noticed, crafting new badges is already giving Summer sale cards like it used to before, so the sale is really about to start! Are you - or more specifically, your wallet - ready for it?

I'm going to see if I could shorten my wishlist that's over 100 items already, but other than that I'm probably trying to keep my spending in minimum. Keyword here being trying.
Its getting to be about that time isn't it? Thankfully I'm not tied to steam.
Ah yes, my favorite part of the year. I have so much games in my wishlist and I'm going to buy so much of them and then one day, somewhere around January I might even play one. Seriously, summer sale is an excellent concept but I just have no self control and buy games left and right. Even some I'm not even sure I might play.
Its getting to be about that time isn't it? Thankfully I'm not tied to steam.

What do you mean "tied"? Isn't being tied to a specific console generation more of a chore, compared to Steam having PC gaming content spanning multiple console generations. Not to mention how that content will be taken forwards as well, whereas the console stuff will, at least for the most part, be not.

Not trying to start a flame war here, just perplexed with the term you used.
What do you mean "tied"? Isn't being tied to a specific console generation more of a chore, compared to Steam having PC gaming content spanning multiple console generations. Not to mention how that content will be taken forwards as well, whereas the console stuff will, at least for the most part, be not.

Not trying to start a flame war here, just perplexed with the term you used.

By tied I mean use Steam, seems like anyone uses it is taken over by the seasonal sales.
Even though I know I'm gonna end up with twenty more games I'll never play, I'm really excited for the Steam Summer Sale! I've been waiting since I missed the holiday sale to pick up the Witcher 3; I have not heard a single bad thing about that game. I've set aside some money just for this sale, and it doesn't hurt that my birthday is gonna fall around half way through it on the 25th! Even if I will impulse buy a bunch of bundles, I'm very excited to further expand my library!
I personally never get that hyped about these sales, as I am a very conservative person. Also, I do not play that many games in reality, I enjoy competitive games so much, so I stick with them, because I do not like to be terrible at something I play. However, that does not mean that I will not buy a game or two, but I will only do so if I am sure that the offer is awesome, but also that I am completely sure that I will play the game for at least a bit.
Most of my friends are the complete opposite of me in that field, as they have many games on their wishlist and are always excited about a steam sale.
I've got over 200 dollars sitting pretty in my Steam wallet, waiting to be spent. Only 4 more days to go ^_^
At the moment I don't have a lot of games on my wishlist.I mosty play games with my friends and I am looking for a co-op campaign.I am looking forward to getting Payday2.Wanted it for a bit but decided to wait for the sale and see if it will cost less
I'm ready, but my wallet isn't. I'm hoping for some good sales on Never Alone, Bastion, Bioshock DLCs, and maybe a couple of others. I'm going to try to limit how much I buy, but I know for a fact I'm going to spend way more than I should on games that I'll play "eventually"
My body is ready, but my wallet isn't :p
On a more serious note, I'm super hyped since this will be the first summer sale for me, and I'm sure I will pick up a lot of games which I won't play at all :grin:
I'm looking forward to the Steam Summer Sale! I usually get way too many games, but being so cheap, hard to pass up. I eventually try them all throughout the year.
I don't plan to spend much on the sale, 20-30 euros tops. I've acquired quite a backlog during past Summer/Winter/Weekly sales. And quite frankly I'm not excited about Steam sales anymore. Yes, I know it sounds ridiculous, but a few years back Steam sales were interesting. For example, in 2011 by doing tasks, crafting badges (I think that was the year they introduced those ridiculous shiny things) and spending money on games you would get a bunch of coal. Which in turn could have been crafted into a game, if you were lucky. This way I won The Longest Journey and Portal 2. Too bad that the system was exploited and the fun ended rather fast.

On a more serious note, I'm super hyped since this will be the first summer sale for me, and I'm sure I will pick up a lot of games which I won't play at all :grin:
That's the spirit :grin: But really I'd advise on thinking twice whether you'd actually play the game, or not :)
I think that when you have most of the games you are interested in, you just take a look at the sales on day one and then that's about it. I also have the cards already, so I get to crafting when the gates open, check the wishlist for decent sales and then that's about it.

But I hope they'll have something like the monster game again, to bring in some interactivity. I'm sure they do!