Are you scared of anything silly?


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It can be related to anything.

So are you scared of anything like that? It can be a little bug, spider or anything for that matter.
nope, jump away with a increase heart rate nearly every time. I feel like an elephant with a mouse.
Hmmm...I see.
Thanks for being honest Demon sketh chan. I am scared of a lot of things thanks to my OCD and anxiety but I chalk it up to gross stuff xD
sea slug.. I mean sea cucumber? I dont know...
When I used to live in Guam, there's always a beach that is a 10min walk. When we arrive at the beach, I swim in the shore and I see this sea cucumber. as a kid, I hated those things...
still do to this day. haha
sea slug.. I mean sea cucumber? I dont know...
When I used to live in Guam, there's always a beach that is a 10min walk. When we arrive at the beach, I swim in the shore and I see this sea cucumber. as a kid, I hated those things...
still do to this day. haha
That sounds legit xD
May be you are just grossed out by them xD It's hard to describe a few things.