Are you still using Windows Vista, and why?


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I still use Windows Vista Home Premium on an older HP laptop with 4GB of RAM, 1.8 GHz Dual core AMD CPU, 100GB hard drive, and Nvidia onboard video card and Vista runs pretty well on the laptop for all my basic everyday tasks like Word Proccessing, Internet Browsing, e-mail, and multimedia.

I'm too cheap to upgrade to Windows 7 since it would cost me over 100 dollars for the Full install CD of 7, and Vista works good for my everyday tasks on my laptop, so I don't really see a real need to upgrade to 7.
I probably still use it if I still had my old PC. But I agree with you, it costs to much to upgrade to a new OS. Better off waiting to buy a new PC that has it pre loaded.
I agree buying a new PC with the latest version of Windows installed on it is the best, and you don't have to deal with incompatible hardware problems which works in Vista, but not work in 7 because the hardware maker like printers did not release new software hardware drivers for 7 because they decided not to support newer operating systems for older hardware.
If people are using Vista and it works for them, there's not really a big need to upgrade. Windows licenses cost quite a bit of money, far more than they're worth when you already have a working Windows system.
I agree Windows Upgrade and Full versions of the Windows Disc are very costly at over 100 dollars or sometimes hundreds of dollars, and there are just minor improvements to performance which may not be very noticeable if you already have 3GB or more RAM, Dual or Quad Core CPU, and a decent video card.

I think spending the money upgrading to more RAM like 4GB+, SSD drive, Faster CPU, and better video card would create more of a performance boost then upgrading to 7. Most of the people who seem to complain about Vista are people who used slower computers with single core CPUs and only 512MB-1GB of RAM.

The main difference in Windows 7 is the user interface for me because the startmenu and taskbar are more flat in 7 then Vista Startmenu bar.