Art needed

If you're going to request something, you should post the necessities. aying make my Mii means nothing to people who've never seen your Mii.
NintenDan knows my Mii

Or you can ask the Honorably most Handsome NintenDan himself to post it here for you.
Wait, what? I check this topic out of curiousness to find I'm a vital key to getting this request done? It's a little inconvenient for me to go and get stuff for you, but because I'm feeling generous, here you all go:


I had to pay the damn 10 coins to get that option to save photos too, hah.
Wait, what? I check this topic out of curiousness to find I'm a vital key to getting this request done? It's a little inconvenient for me to go and get stuff for you, but because I'm feeling generous, here you all go:


I had to pay the damn 10 coins to get that option to save photos too, hah.

lol that's a 10 coin pwnage. You make Dan walk a day to upload your pic XD epic man.... epic.
a'ight, a'ight. If no one's willing to do it, i'll go ahead then. but, holy crap, your missing some other stuff.
What Colors?
Any effects?
Sig? Av? ...Both??
Background image maybe other than transparent?
cus if it's just text & av, too plain. :\ not to be insulting or whatnot.