Ask Me Anything request?

Tachyon Blue

Well-Known Member
Hi, I'm happy to be among your newer members! I actually joined, because I wanted to ask you about hosting an AMA on the forums, possibly in "General Gamers Hub" or "Power Off." I’ve interviewed 70+ people involved with GamerGate in a variety of capacities, including people on both sides. The interviews are for a multi-media project that includes a multi-volume series of books and videos on my channel from many (though not all) of the interviews. I view the project as being a work of both journalism and history. I DMed Demon_Skeith about this after joining, but hadn't heard back, so I figured I would make a post.

The first volume of the book series is already completed. On December 9th, I launched a Kickstarter campaign for the project. I would be happy to do an AMA here and field any questions about my work, GamerGate, and associated topics. Is this something we can make happen? Thanks!