Assassin Creed 3 E3 gameplay


Well-Known Member
Here is some gameplay footage of assassin creed 3 from e3:
What do you think about the gameplay?
I thought it looks great. There has been a lot of hype around this game during the past few months. I think Ubisoft has actually done a good job with this.
This seems to be the best Assassin's Creed game ever. We can finally climb trees, the gameplay is awesome as always and the graphic is really good. I am looking forward to play this game.
Dang! This is by far the best Assassin Creed game. Felt like I was watch an animated cartoon at first until they showed the game play after lol. I have to get this game.
It's is definitely an upgrade from the previous one. The graphics have improved dramatically ( for the PC atleast ) as proven by the trailer of it. We are now able to climb trees! Though, I actually never thought of that when playing ACII and ACB.
I'm quite hyped about it, for various reasons and two of them being the ones I already mentioned above. I'm excited to see what the story line has in offer for us this time!