Assassin's Creed Unity


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Assassin's Creed Unity will feature four-player co-op.

Unity's new feature was revealed at Microsoft's yearly E3 Xbox press conference, where it was shown off live on stage. Multiple assassins are shown playing cooperatively, storming a royal castle on the eve of the bloody French Revolution.

The action looks quintessential Assassin's Creed; silently moving through thick crowds, acting inconspicuously, and then suddenly, you strike. Only two assassins are shown at first, as they make their way through the crowd gathered outside of the palace, only to set things off by suddenly (and simultaneously) stabbing two guards. With the die cast, the two men begin scaling a nearby wall and enter the palace itself, where things get even bloodier.

game looks good.
Assasins Creed Unity kind of dissapoints me. Not in the gameplay or graphics department, because it looks like amazing fun, but in the sense that Ubisoft has sold out in making this an Xbox One exclusive. As someone who is probably never going to buy and Xbox One, I am sad to see that I will miss out on another chapter of one of my all time favorite game series of all time. Outside of that the game looks great, and the addition of the four person multiplayer mode is great.
This is going to be an Xbox One exclusive?  I just assumed it would be multi platform like all the other Assassin's Creed and I didn't really watch the whole demonstration.  That is disappointing and I'm surprised I haven't read about it on other forums.
Honestly, I'm not sold. Loved the first Assassin's Creed and the Ezio's parts too, but I feel like something is missing in the newer ones. If this is in fact Xbone exclusive, then no way I'm playing this. If I ever get a next gen (technically already this gen) console, then it's without a doubt going to be PS4.
This felt like a real gameplay, there were small bugs that were noticeable, a lot of graphical errors. This feels like a REAL game rather than just a fake pre-alpha footage that they rendered. My hopes are up, but seeing as ubisoft has screwed us before (watch dogs) I'm going to stay on the cautionary side.
I'm actually surprised this game series is still going. The rate that the games are released at is quite alarming. I thought it was a good twist to use the whole Time Period thing (Third Crusade, Renaissance and Colonial Era) and I know you guys are not football fans but really come on the only games which need to be coming out every year are FIFAs for the updates. Think about some of the best games you played, they took a long time to develop and be released.

I feel that they need to spend more development time on these games and stop churning them out like another COD.