Astro Empires


Full GL Member
One of my favorite online text-based MMO. I was so addicted at some point i had to drop it completely :p


The premise of Astro-Empires is very compelling. You are given control of an entire planet and are tasked with creating a huge galactic empire, creating massive fleets of destroyers, battleships and even Death Stars. Yes you can pretend to be Darth Vader as your Death Stars ponderously move around the galaxy destroying fleet after fleet.

What more could you ask for?

The premise is simple enough, achieving it however is hugely difficult. You see as a new player Astro-Empires can be very difficult to get into. It is controlled almost completely by old, established and legendary players who can rip new players apart and make their life hell in a matter of days. However, find yourself a guild and you may just survive to become a powerful and influential force.

Guilds work much like alliances or tribes in other MMO’s. They are a group of people who work together under the one name to destroy their enemies and bring the galaxy under their control.

I had the distinct pleasure of fulfilling a childhood dream by joining the UFP (United Federation of Planets), who wouldn’t want to do that.

Just call me Picard.

The game is a very sleek and visually attractive appearance. The team behind it have fantastic graphics with 3D ships spinning around whenever you click on them, sadly this doesn’t equate into real in-game experiences. The majority of your time will be spent clicking on text to build some Refineries or inputting numbers to create a couple more fighters. As a casual gamer however you don’t need to put too much time into this game so the lack of exciting graphics won’t bother you too much.

The majority of my experience in this game is queuing up some buildings, pumping out some fleet and getting some technology researched. My fleet sees action only very rarely and spends the majority of its time flying around the galaxy avoiding the enemies that wish to kick the UFP into next week.

Overall this game has the potential to be hugely exciting but fails to deliver more often than not. Fleet is expensive and time consuming and is not to be risked lightly. This means there are few massive conflicts, instead it’s about avoiding the enemy fleet and hitting some unprotected planets, the running away with your tail in-between your legs as the enemy looks to get revenge.
