Review ASWR: Attack Of The Clones, I Felt Nothing Watching This


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I am currently watching this movie, and I can't think of a single thing to say about it.

This movie just exists honestly. It's not as funny as Phantom Menace (although that's because of how bad the acting was) and it certainly doesn't have good writing but…I don't know this movie just felt like it was going through the motions.

The best way to put it is, I knew what was happening but didn't really care. Characters just didn't seem all that interesting…I don't know why.

This movie just bores me. I'm not hating it but I'm also not enjoying it. I guess I just don't care about this movie.

The biggest thing I noticed is just how many conversations happen in this movie. Like this is an action movie where most of the scenes are people standing around and talking.

I don't mind the talking but I also don't really give a shit. None of these conversations are all that interesting, like most of this really was just boring.

I don't want to spend that much time on this movie. So this will be short but I just want to address the romance aspect of this movie.

Yeah it sucks. Anakin and Padme have so little chemistry that it's downright funny how hard the movie tries to convince you that they actually care about each other. Like I'm sorry, what do Anakin and Padme even have in common?

I don't really feel like discussing any more of this film so I'ma just wrap this up. Attack Of The Clones is incredibly boring. If you wanted me to actually give a shit about this movie then I'm sorry but…I'm done.
It paved way to the great animated series, that's all this is good for I guess?