Review ASWR: Rouge One, Rebellion Are Built On Epic Battle Sequences


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Steal Penalty
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Steal Penalty
Rouge One, is a great third act. The battle of Scarif is incredible, and easily the highlight of the movie. It looks incredible, constantly leaves you on edge with the costant character deaths, and ends with Darth Vader completely making this movie his.

Unfortunately, however, the first two acts aren't not that great. They're fine, but Jedha is clearly heavily edited around and they put so many characters on screen that it causes most of them to blend into the background a little.

Jyn was pretty good, her character was enjoyable enough, I gave a shit about her which was what I wanted. Andor was pretty good too, but my bias towards him after Andor came out would be unfair to everyone else so I won't talk about him here.

Uhh, Krennic was pretty good as well. He basically just gets screwed over by everyone else but was pretty entertaining.

The set and creature design was great, I'd have to admit that the film looked really good at points.

Uh, that's really all I have to say about this film honestly, I enjoy the third act quite a lot and think the first two acts are just kind of mid.

May the force be with you and stuff.
Still love the ending of the movie, no happy endings, just continued hope.