Review ASWR: The Phantom Menace, A Emotionless Movie


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The Phantom Menace is not the worst Star Wars movie, but it's also not uhh…the best.

By 12 minutes in, I had already learned just how bad this movie is. I'm not joking, as soon as the trade federation leaders spoke I started to laugh. They genuinely sound so fucking stupid and confusing that I couldn't take them seriously. I hadn't even gotten past the five minute mark and I couldn't take the central conflict of this movie seriously.

I don't even know what to say. I promise you that I'm trying to take this seriously. I'm literally watching the movie as I type this but my God, this movie is written so bizarrely.

Almost every piece of this dialog is so…utterly confusing. I don't know if it's the emotionless acting from some of the actors, or if it's just the writing but this movie is so…confusing.

Half of the problem is the fact that some of these actors have no emotion when they speak, which makes the movie five times harder to understand cause I now have to try and figure out what tone they're trying to go for.

Honestly, this movie is an entertaining shitshow. I am enjoying my time with it, but it's mostly because this felt like a shitpost at times. I can't take anything seriously because the film itself seems utterly confused on what is serious and what is comedic.

For example, the dinner scene at Anakin's house should be a serious scene right? It's Anakin and his mother explaining how they are slaves and yet…Jar Jar interrupts multiple times. It makes it all so utterly toneless and boring.

Also, Darth Maul is surprisingly lame in this movie. He only gets four scenes and only the final duel does anything to make him interesting. Even then it's mostly because the fight scene is cool.

My takeaway from this film is this, it was funny for the first hour but quickly became boring during the second hour. Honestly, I probably won't watch this movie again.
Happy 25th Phantom Menace. The CGI was great. Boss Nass and the Trade Federation were funny in a weird racist alien way. There was enough action to make it not too boring but the story has plenty of loopholes.