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well it's been while since I gave a update on the forum status so now is the time to do so. alright first off, forum activity. It has been a constant of 10-13 daily members that come on make a few posts and such. This is a good amount of members to get each day but that must change, since 25% of those people are people I do post exchanges with and that is 50% of our posting members that really isn't good. GF must get more active members on the forum for us to do better. I usually have been using ad forums to get members but ad forums are going down very fast so I can no longer rely on them any longer. I'll be spending most of my time on ad sigs on other gaming forms and topsite voting to gain guests to this forum and hopefully they will join. I am unaware of spirit's ad methods but he has many things going on as well.

For so in short I am looking for activate gaming forums where I can go and advertise GF by a forum or in a ad sig please let me know so I can go there and ad.

Getting guest our link is one thing but the other must be forum activity. so far I like to thank all of our members for sticking with us and posting, I hope this forum becomes more active soon so you can come on and know it will be worth your time. to remedy this I looking at compacting all non gaming forums so all the forums look active. another thing I have noticed that many of you may or may not be looking at all the forums. usually when I post gaming news I post it in almost all the forums and many of the topics don't have views on them. so when looking around the forum enter the forum by clicking it's name and not just clicking on the new topic you see.

I know our RPG isn't as popular as I hopped it would be, but I will be spending the next few weeks fixing it up a bit. so hachi and lloyd aren't lonely on it. so if you like SSB (super smash bros) and like RPG forums please try out the GFSSA! (Gamingforce super smash arena!)

Now for our skins, our skin selection has gotten a bit messy and I will be talking to lloyd about getting it cleaned up, also we are looking for opinions on our new GF custom skin 2! We have also been asked to add a skin forum, if you got skins to submit then let me know and I will make the forum. I will be adding a Christmas skin soon so keep a look out for that!

I will be removing some unneeded or inactive forums soon and I will be adding a few so keep a look out for that.

So to all members, please help out Gamingforce, by letting us know about forums to advertise on, pointing out any errors, give any suggestions you have, and anything else that may be able to help us. I hope to hear from you all soon!
I have some good news here, for all of us:

After I used Google webmaster tools to optimize this board, and have the Google crawler index the content faster than normal, it generated over 17 pages of results. This will likely increase in the coming days, as long as the Google crawler speeds up the indexing process. It also generated more possible keyword queries, for the first time in three months (as of one week ago)

I've also submitted RSS feeds from several of the boards to Google, so that it can dig deep and find more content that may have been overlooked in the past, which may produce more results (Same for Yahoo). So far I've added a few there without any issues, and have been indexed successfully.

There was an issue getting our site name to show up in Google, thankfully that has been fixed.

I'm still submitting this board to several web directories in an effort to build backlinks so others can easily find us, so far I've gotten to over to a hundred of 'em. This has worked in getting members last year, and it should work again.

So there you have it. Of course we're having a bit of a traffic issue, but please bear with us. And those who are still active posters, thanks for your active support in keeping this board going.
QUOTE (Lloyd @ November 10, 2008 07:22 pm) with the new tricks I learned how to do, I can make some nice tags.
and Ill make siggys...
well looks like getting members is going well now we need to make this place great so they join, I'll be working on that this weekend also I am currently working on a Wiki for this forum, more on that soon!
I'll try to get around to posting an RP Charrie. Maybe from Marvel or Naruto? Idk yet. xD
I'll be posting around some more as well to help increase activity.
QUOTE (Cen @ November 13, 2008 05:51 pm) I have put you guys on my site - seems like a friendly atmosphere and frankly quality is better then quantity! Give it time.

thats all we can do, but as a 1 year old forum we could be doing better and I will be adding your affiliate button in a minute.
Have you guys considered the conversion to zetaboards? We use to have invisionfree as well. Refresh your forums: give it a new crispy look and do a mass mailing out to your members with a new opening? You seem to have a big member base!

Not saying something is wrong - but sometimes a 'make over' can help and it looks like you guys are good with website coding and stuff.
Dont worry, we get about 6 or 7 of these a year, its no mistake.
They use the exact same stuff, Jcink just added stuff to it.

|Start Massive personal update.|

I will start a topic soon. By the way, D_S if we open a skinning forum, I am going to release the first custom, and replace it with a better one!

Sorry for not being active lately, school is quite literaly killing me, I broke my hand there, I got my wrist slit... and that one sucked, as Im an old school emo... not a punk "who cant take it." I have fucked up my back again,. and its fucking hurts. I havent been getting any sleep, like an hour and a half a night. I have over clocked myself in so many ways, I have 3 skins to make, Im running 4 forums now, and Im talking with a guy about another. So, if I dont come on for a few days, dont demote me, Im asleep.

I have also been hanging out with friends way more than you guys, IN YOUR FACE, but I would, at this point, rather sleep than do any of that.
I have gotten myself ill, first time in years that I am sick, and yes, YEARS, with an "S" at the end, meaning more than one. Its kicking my ass. The "F" button on my keyboard is fucking going out, I have to beat the hell out of it to get it to work. Not an issue, but 60% o codes use the damned key.

QUOTE (Lloyd @ November 15, 2008 08:15 am) Dont worry, we get about 6 or 7 of these a year, its no mistake.
They use the exact same stuff, Jcink just added stuff to it.

|Start Massive personal update.|

I will start a topic soon. By the way, D_S if we open a skinning forum, I am going to release the first custom, and replace it with a better one!

Sorry for not being active lately, school is quite literaly killing me, I broke my hand there, I got my wrist slit... and that one sucked, as Im an old school emo... not a punk "who cant take it." I have fucked up my back again,. and its fucking hurts. I havent been getting any sleep, like an hour and a half a night. I have over clocked myself in so many ways, I have 3 skins to make, Im running 4 forums now, and Im talking with a guy about another. So, if I dont come on for a few days, dont demote me, Im asleep.

I have also been hanging out with friends way more than you guys, IN YOUR FACE, but I would, at this point, rather sleep than do any of that.
I have gotten myself ill, first time in years that I am sick, and yes, YEARS, with an "S" at the end, meaning more than one. Its kicking my ass. The "F" button on my keyboard is fucking going out, I have to beat the hell out of it to get it to work. Not an issue, but 60% o codes use the damned key.

damn, seems life has been hitting you hard. anyways I may put up a skin forum, but if I do I want to see skins in it so get TSK over here.
just a update.

I did a very small revamp or more like a follow up on the major revamp that I did during the summer. I basically got rid of any unpopular forums and I added in a few that I will be using a lot such as the GF Competition which I will be posting about tomorrow and the Game Release Bulletin which is a forum where I will post info on games that just hit store selves and have info on the game as well as a link leading to that game's website which I hope helps you pick out your next game.

Due to demand I have added a skin forum where people who make skins may post their skins. I do know that a few skins will be added to the forum by the end of the week. I am currently unsure if there will be a post requirement to view the forum.

I did reorganize the forum categories a bit making the forum a little better looking.

As for the RPG updates and revamp of that will happen between this week and a week or two before Christmas. so more updates on that in the future.

thats all for now. enjoy the Gamingforce forum everyone!
Nice updates DS. Looking good!