Austin Evans Bought the SECOND Worst New PC


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I am surprise this All-In-One PC cost under $400, can run a PC shooter game. It is nice that this PC has a bigger size monitor, loud sounding speakers, wired Ethernet networking, pop-up 720P Webcam and comes with a 120 GB SSD.

I feel this PC will be mostly bought by people who want a cheap basic PC which has features like a larger storage drive, webcam, wired ethernet networking/wired internet, compatiblity with many Windows software and games, loud speakers, and a larger screen.
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Well, if you really need a PC for a SIMPLE task I guess ^^;
Well, if you really need a PC for a SIMPLE task I guess ^^;

I bet, a lot of people who plan to buy this PC will be using this PC for simple tasks like using web browsers, word processors, e-mail clients, watching video, editing short video files, and video chat, etc. But, they need a PC which can run MS Office, and older games like Quake 3 and League of Legends which don't work on Chromebooks and Android computers.

It is too bad this PC does not have a DVD disc drive, so users can watch DVD movies which they bought themselves or borrowed from the library. Some people who bought this PC may not have a good enough internet connection to stream or download movies.