Average HDTV Today Made to Last Only a Few Years


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Remember when your parents bought one TV and it lasted eight, ten or even 15 years? Not so much with LCD TVs.

Service staff at a electronics discount retailer as well as a technician at a repair service told German website Golem.de that the average LCD TV from any major brand, including Toshiba, Sony, Samsung, or Philips, is built to last "just about three to four years" when used for about five hours per day. Some TVs may last longer, but it is a matter of luck to find such a TV.

The TV repair technician noted that today's "TVs are built in a way so that they break soon." However, those defective TVs do not go to repair services, they frequently are simply being replaced as parts are expensive. No customer ever requested a panel replacement for their TV, the repair technician said. Panels are usually more expensive than the entire TV, which, however, has apparently created a lucrative back market for some repair services.

Only "older people" would be interested in repairs today, the technician said: The share of defective TVs being sent to a repair service versus those that are simply thrown away is about 1 in 10, the employee estimated. He also added that it would be no problem to build TVs that last longer, but no manufacturer would be interested in making that effort and count on replacement sales instead.


I guest this means we shouldn't buy more expensive brands like Sony, Panasonic, Samsung, and Toshiba thinking they would last longer then a TV made by a less popular brand like Philips, RCA, Zenith, Polaroid, and Westing House, and we might as well save our money and buy cheaper brands which might last about the same as the more expensive brands, or years longer.
Bastards, they can make it to last long but don't because it don't mean profits. Meh.
I wonder if this trend of poorly made TV continues would people just find a new cheaper hobby which does not need a TV, monitor, or LCD like board games, cards, reading a book, newspapers, playing music, and gardening since TV is a less reliable and more expensive hobby compared to reading.
I believe some of my relatives HDTV already died and the LCD HDTV have not been out for that long.
Tube Monitors are still popular with people who work in Graphic Design because the colors on the tube monitor are brighter, more accurate, and less washed up compared to LCD which sometimes display the edges whiter then the middle because of the backlight on the LCD.

Black and white colors also look better on tube monitors.

There are also some PC gamers which still game on a tube monitors because the video response time/speed on a tube monitor is faster, so there is less video lag on very fast games like First Person shooters and racing.
I honestly believe this is untrue. They try saying the same damn thing about laptops. I have a 1080p HDTV(LCD screen) that I have had well over 5 years. My uncle also has a nice 720p hdtv(lcd screen) which has lasted over 7... Also by brother from another mother has a awesome 40 inch screen that he has had for quite awhile 5 years if I am not mistaken and his is always on it never gets turned off,which is probably why his power bill is so high lol...

It all comes down to how you care for your tv. Just like computers if you abuse it and don't keep it clean it will die sooner then later. If you keep it clean and don't abuse it, it will last a long time.

Oh and FYI my TV is on practically all day. The only time it is off is when I go to bed.
I honestly believe this is untrue. They try saying the same damn thing about laptops. I have a 1080p HDTV(LCD screen) that I have had well over 5 years. My uncle also has a nice 720p hdtv(lcd screen) which has lasted over 7... Also by brother from another mother has a awesome 40 inch screen that he has had for quite awhile 5 years if I am not mistaken and his is always on it never gets turned off,which is probably why his power bill is so high lol...

It all comes down to how you care for your tv. Just like computers if you abuse it and don't keep it clean it will die sooner then later. If you keep it clean and don't abuse it, it will last a long time.

Oh and FYI my TV is on practically all day. The only time it is off is when I go to bed.

I think the article is talking about the average lifespan of most TV based on the reporter talking to repair men who fix hundreds to thousands of TV at a repair shop a year rather then random lucky TV owners who had HDTV which lasted many years like how some people still have working launched released versions of the Fat Xbox 360 and PS3 which did not RROD or YLOD yet.

The TV Repair Service staff at a electronics discount retailer as well as a technician at a repair service would probably not lie to the a website mention in this article since if the reporter found out their story are false then they could lose their job, be sued by LCD makers for making false claims about their TV, or have difficulty finding a new job as a TV Repair man because of dishonesty.

The TV repair service staff working at a repair shop probably keep a record of what brands break the most, what year they are made, and ask the costumer how long they own it, where it is mostly used, and how many hours they use it a day to help with repairs, warranty, and TV companies refunds.

I think there is not much the average consumer could do to maintain their TV except for not hitting it, wiping off dust on the case, and ventilation holes, and using a surge protected power bar to protect it from power spikes and surges.