award system and mood system

I wish Xenforo had an updated mood system.  Seems like a cool mod.
zoldos said:
I wish Xenforo had an updated mood system.  Seems like a cool mod.
the one xenforo uses should be better than the one here on IPB.

cleopatra said:
May I ask you what is the name of the award and mood system you are using
Thank you very much
[HQ] Awards  v3.0.26 and (T31) Moods  v2.0.0
It doesn't seem to work with the newest XF (1.2.4).  Maybe a patch will be released. :)
zoldos said:
It doesn't seem to work with the newest XF (1.2.4).  Maybe a patch will be released. :)
Well that goes for any software and their mods. I'm sure the maker as long as they are still supporting the moods mod will release a update soon. Have you checked it's support topic?
Yeah, but it's no big deal. I have a few cool mods and everything works great, so it's all good. :D