

Staff member
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You're Rich Money Bags Award
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Alright, since we're all gamers, we love trophies, achievements and anything else that shows we wasted time on something! Gaming Latest is no different. Do lots of things around the forum and you will gain awards! What awards? You can see the full list on the awards tab above or click the link below:

For every 100 posts you will go up on level, which are shown here:


For every 100 points you gain you go up one level! Now you're asking what are point of levels besides bragging rights? Well..

Starting at level 10 you will get the following:

Level 10 - 500 GL points

Level 15 - 1000 GL points

Level 25 - 2000 GL points

Level 40 - 5000 GL Points

Level 50 - One free item from the GL Store

That's it for levels for now, they will be adjusted or changed later on once I see how fast people progress. Please note you will need to make a topic in GL feedback, or a reply below or PM an admin staff to claim your level points.

You can find your color level to the left of all your posts, like shown below:


The circle shows your current color rank, which I'm still a lowly lvl 1 orange.

That's pretty much it, I will be adding lots of Awards in the coming weeks/months. So please keep an eye on it for updates.

need to grind some more level for the tough boss battles ahead lol
What do I do with my points? I know there's the shop, but there used to be a steam reward thing there but that's gone. Nothing else really interests me. Is the Mature forum worth the investment? Do do I wait for any thing else if there's a periodic shuffle of rewards?
What do I do with my points? I know there's the shop, but there used to be a steam reward thing there but that's gone. Nothing else really interests me. Is the Mature forum worth the investment? Do do I wait for any thing else if there's a periodic shuffle of rewards?

PM me please on what you wish to do with your points.