( B ) Monthly Backloggery Topic v1.1 ( B )


Assistant Regional Manager
Full GL Member
So I had only gotten 3 new games in total this year going into April. Now I'm at the end of the month and I've doubled that amount thanks to getting a PS Vita for my birthday. I spent the first half of the month playing Wind Waker HD; I got the Master Sword but haven't played past that. I also recently bought Roller Coaster Tycoon 2 so I got absorbed in that for most of the month.



Final Fantasy X HD (gift)

Uncharted: Golden Abyss (PS+)

Gravity Rush (PS+)


Uncharted: Golden Abyss - 4/27

My new breakdown is 6 new games acquired this year, and 9 games beaten this year. Next month I plan to get Mario Kart 8, but the offerings on PS+ aren't attractive so it looks like I'll only add 1 game to the backlog in May. I'll probably spend most of the month focused on FFX HD, the game seems like a lot of fun so far.

How have you guys been doing?

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