As revealed in this topic robots have been hired to do something that a human could easily do. I don't know about you but I'm all for robots taking over the hard labor jobs (The real hard ones that could break a person) but I feel they should not take over simple jobs. This world is over crowded and we can't afford to lose jobs to robots.
I don't think robots should take over any job a human could do. Some of those lazy fuckers out there won't get a job because "they are too good for it." Load of bull if you ask me.
Robots will make the rich like Bill Gates even richer until most of the less rich people, the poor, and middle class spends most of their money buying cheap food, stuff, and services made by robots being paid nothing, so the rich can sell stuff at cheaper prices then human made stuff because of the savings by not having to pay wages, or buy health, dental, and life insurance for robots.
However, I do see the electric company making more money unless the robots makes its power from solar, and wind power which makes power from the sun, and the earth's natural wind movement.
I feel robots should be used for war, policing, and in riots where soldiers and cops can get killed in fights.
I'm going to steal a page from Gundam Wing on this reply.
When all fights, battles and wars are done without the need of humans and with machines only then war has no meaning no sense of loss. The only thing that will greatly suffer will be earth which will continue to be destroyed while no humans die and the war will last forever with endless machines.
If your going to war, you must put up the price which is human life.
I agree with Froggy about the rich getting richer (although Bill Gates is a bad example because he's actually a nice guy that donates a lot). They don't have to pay the robots, and those robots take the jobs that the working class should be having. We're the ones that get screwed over!
It's kinda difficult to maintain balance. Machines are more durable where as humans are very fragile. Still, machines can never completely replace humans
There are a lot of jobs on the line even now. We're moving toward an age where robots/AI takes away so many jobs and people are simply not ready for it to happen. I mean look at the jobs at risk now, things like: cashiers, bank tellers, taxi drivers, truckers, forklift operators, etc...
Right now we're in that period where the technology is not ready to be deployed full scale yet. But companies are working on it and given the chance they would absolutely rather machines than humans. The machine doesn't need to be paid an hourly rate, it doesn't demand breaks or time off, it won't call in sick (either because it doesn't want to work or it actually is sick), it won't get lippy with customers (or care what they have to say about it), it can be replaced or upgraded as necessary.
I've heard people say that removing all these type jobs will result in more jobs in other sectors. That won't happen, trust me. What will happen is people will get fired or let go. Some might be lucky and get re-positioned in the company (depending on their skill level, seniority and/or how they make the company look in terms of diversity).
Most companies already have a lot of techs as is. They're not going to waste time/money training huge batches of new ones. They'll use their existing techs, replacing them as necessary when they retire/leave, to slowly roll out any new tech. They'll pick a few places and do gradual tests, do bug fixes, make changes to the systems and then expand. They're not going to lay people off en masse. This will happen at a rate slow enough most people won't even notice it's going on. By the time people figure it out the move will be almost over or even already done.
I've used this example a lot, but go into a mcdonalds... see how many cashiers there are now versus how many kiosks there are. In the one nearest me there is 6 kiosks and 1 cashier at any given time. Did you notice when they dropped the number in your local one? (Presuming they've made the switch to more kiosks there.)