Baldur Gate


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Steal Penalty
Has anyone here played Baldurs Gate other than me? I'd like to hear people's thoughts on the game as I have only started.
A fan here. It is an excellent rpg. originally made to rival JRPGS during the golden era of JRPGS and thus it's the first Western RPG with Waifus lol The second game is even better.
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Some dev stuff:

“Everybody and their dog was convinced that Western RPGs were dead,” says BioWare cofounder Trent Oster. “It was all gonna be Japanese RPGs. Nobody in the Western world knew how to make [RPGs] … there was just no hope.” If the Western RPG was dead, the Western computer RPG was doubly dead: Every one of those top 13 RPGs from ’95 had come out on a console.

Three years later, all of those illustrious Japanese studios also appeared on the 1998 list. But close to the top, second only to Sega’s little-played Panzer Dragoon Saga, a new name joined them: BioWare, the makers of Baldur’s Gate.

The product of three exhausting and exhilarating years of labor by a team of roughly 15 people who didn’t know enough to be daunted by the task they undertook, Baldur’s Gate was a genre-stretching, disc-space-testing hybrid that broke new narrative, technical, and gameplay ground and established the identity of one of the past two decades’ most storied studios. “It just redefined expectations of what a role-playing game could be,” Oster says. “I think it really relaunched the whole concept of what a Western RPG is.”


So are you playing the enhanced version or the classic version? @Techno
Some dev stuff:

“Everybody and their dog was convinced that Western RPGs were dead,” says BioWare cofounder Trent Oster. “It was all gonna be Japanese RPGs. Nobody in the Western world knew how to make [RPGs] … there was just no hope.” If the Western RPG was dead, the Western computer RPG was doubly dead: Every one of those top 13 RPGs from ’95 had come out on a console.

Three years later, all of those illustrious Japanese studios also appeared on the 1998 list. But close to the top, second only to Sega’s little-played Panzer Dragoon Saga, a new name joined them: BioWare, the makers of Baldur’s Gate.

The product of three exhausting and exhilarating years of labor by a team of roughly 15 people who didn’t know enough to be daunted by the task they undertook, Baldur’s Gate was a genre-stretching, disc-space-testing hybrid that broke new narrative, technical, and gameplay ground and established the identity of one of the past two decades’ most storied studios. “It just redefined expectations of what a role-playing game could be,” Oster says. “I think it really relaunched the whole concept of what a Western RPG is.”


So are you playing the enhanced version or the classic version? @Techno
I got the enhanced version of 1 and 2. So I also have all the expansions.
I got the enhanced version of 1 and 2. So I also have all the expansions.

In the second game you could get Waifu Aeire pregnant lol and the baby will be a permanent "item" in the inventory after she gives birth to her and Mc's child and her pregnancy is on realtime counter lmao
I played the Early access of Baldur's Gate III and it's great! Recorded Early access Shadowheart conversation scene with MC
while playing it on my PC:

BG III Will release this year, really looking forward to it and Waifu Shadowheart's PLOT with her new hairstyle lol


So What is your Mc's Class, and Build @Techno ?
Honestly I can't remember, I never really care about stats and I just want to play the game.
You do need a properly planned build though it's DnD afterall. Lest The bosses will "chomp" on you lol.
Any experience with DnD Stats And System before?
You do need a properly planned build though it's DnD afterall. Lest The bosses will "chomp" on you lol.
Any experience with DnD Stats And System before?
Nope, I've never played DnD before. Baldur's gate is my introduction to it.
Nope, I've never played DnD before. Baldur's gate is my introduction to it.
Then my advice Stick to Fighter for Mc. Easier Class to manage than Ranger, Monk, or Paladins or Rogue and Spellcaster classes.
Well my character is a barbarian fighter, so I'm good there.
yes Barbarian is similar to fighter with higher damage output and excellent Damage Dealer.