

Staff member
Steal Penalty
Steal Penalty
Steal Penalty
Steal Penalty
Steal Penalty
Have you ever been banned from a forum?

I think I'm banned on one, thought I don't care enough to check.
Nope. I like rereading the rules, drawing new lines, and being so dedicated that it can be hard to get anyone to want to get rid of me. I'm also a very nice and pretty boi.
Nope, I have a clean record! No warnings either! And I plan to keep it that way! There are some stupid people out there, and I am not one of them! Hopefully you aren't either! ;)
Nope, I have a clean record! No warnings either! And I plan to keep it that way! There are some stupid people out there, and I am not one of them! Hopefully you aren't either! ;)
Honestly my ban was just from a owner with anger issues.
That can happen! I don't think it's ever a good thing for any staff member (especially the owner) to ban or warn any user with no reason to, even though the owner is full within their right to ban anyone, even if they felt like it! What's important is that the owner is being fair to all their members! If the owner bans all their members for no reason, then that sets a bad impression on their forum, and in consequence, no one will want to join their community!
I haven’t been banned in about a decade. It was a combination of myself being a lot more immature back then, and it seemed like it was easier to get banned. A lot more power hungry mods too.
I haven’t been banned in about a decade. It was a combination of myself being a lot more immature back then, and it seemed like it was easier to get banned. A lot more power hungry mods too.
Honestly my ban was just from a owner with anger issues.
Yes I got banned on one of the forums owner was angry and his team were power hungry I got banned for bad Grammar
That’s pretty petty, though if it was in the rules, then technically they were in the right.
That's the thing it was not in the rules plus I was a staff there a Junior Moderator and my grammar was bad but once I got warning I questioned by via PM to the Owner and Admin the owner said its cause of your grammar but I said but its not the rule next thing I was banned lol. I know the forum name also but I don't want to say it as the ex-owner could be here still the board is closed.