Batman: Arkham Knight Batmobile


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Damn, that thing is like a one man army.
The Batmobile just keeps on getting chunkier and chunkier. I don't really know what to feel about it, I've always viewed Batmobiles as sleek and stealthy vehicles. This looks to be the polar opposite of that.
Lienx said:
Vulcan gun, missile barrage, riot cannon, ... 3$ cup holder from sears.

abcdefghijun said:
The Batmobile just keeps on getting chunkier and chunkier. I don't really know what to feel about it, I've always viewed Batmobiles as sleek and stealthy vehicles. This looks to be the polar opposite of that.
Where do you get stealthy from? It always has a rocket engine blasting at high speeds and in the tv series a siren on it.
Damn when I read about reports of Batmobile in Arkham Knight I was guessing it was for driving around town but weapons?! Holy! Shit just got real. I sincerely hope they change the fighting style, it's getting a little too linear now. And they screwed up counter strikes in Arkham Origins. Hope this fares well.