Batman: Arkham Knight Gameplay


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This looks freaken gorgeous.

Glad that this game does not take place during the winter like Arkham City and Arkham Origins, and I'm also hoping that ALL of gotham is playable this time unlike the previous 2 entries that only had parts of it playable.

Looks like I'm going to have to upgrade to the next gen once this game comes out, because I'm definitely not missing this. ^_^
Demon_Skeith said:
Funny enough even though this is a gameplay trailer there is only 10 seconds of gameplay in it :p

Yeah this does look awesome but it's not enough to make me buy a PS4 just yet.
Yea that was weird that it only had 10 seconds worth of gameplay for a gameplay trailer lol.

I was beggining to wonder WTF through most of it until it got near the end and finally showed some gameplay.

But I agree that by itself its not enough to make me shell out that kind of money, but along with the likes of Dead Rising 3,Kingdom Hearts 3, and Final Fantasy XV (the later 2 have no release dates announced but are expected in 2015) it will make it all worth while to have so many great games to play.
Sometimes I think these guys do no wrong. I remember when the first game came out and how it was such an eye opener. Since then they just keep coming out with better and better. 
Stoked to give it a try when I can, but looks great.