Batman Arkham Knight Review


Well-Known Member
I'm not a professional, by all means, but I'd like to grip my claws into ths gigantic game, and transform my impression into words. Does sound poetic, and powerful, but it's just me. Without further ado, let's get started: 

Stunning. Next-gen gives a new edge to the franchise. Floating around the big city, and fighting robots, it's just stunning. 

With the batmobile in the story, let's just say that gave the game another fancy claw, (pun intended) to the game. I don't know why but the batmobile reminds me of War for Cybertron, soomehow. Let me know what you guys think.

With the multitude of in-game character swaps, I had to separate the whole idea into a new heading, namely camera. We get to play as a few people, and that's awesome.

I haven't ended the game, yet. But the game just stimulated my brain to write this first even if I haven't played it till the end. Am curious about what you guys think. Fire away!
Too bad for the horrible port on PC. The game looks really fun and I would love to play it... If I had a console :D. Maybe we'll get it on PC (I mean get it for real) at some point..
I have played it in the Ps4 version and the game works well and the Batmobile is real nice and well used unlike, in the previous ones which only showed in the flashbacks and only used in the 2005 game. I have enjoyed how you can roam around the city and also you see enemies, like Two-Face and Scarecrow, who are the next villains in the game and combat, has improved from the previous ones. The sequences of the Batmobile are well done and it is well protected from any outside damage which does not hinder the progress when you crash into anything.