Batman Arkham Origins Cold Cold Heart DLC


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Some good news to the Batman Arkham Origins players, a new full story driven DLC is on the way for the game which will include a new batman suit, gadgets and plenty of other things to do as you battle Mr. Freeze and his icy men.  You can check out the reveal trailer below which the game trailer starts at 0:58:


The game takes place on New Years, one week after the setting of Batman Arkham origins and the DLC will be out for Xbox 360, playstation 3 and PC on April 22nd 2014. No price was given and the Wii U version of this DLC was announced last month to be canceled due to lack of demand.


Though the teaser trailer looks good, it should be noted that Batman Arkham origins is home to many game breaking glitches and bugs. Even though the makers are aware of the bugs they feel the DLC is more important than making patches for the bugs. No doubt this DLC will also just be as buggy and if you have any sense you will delay or not buy this DLC to make it clear to the makers that bugs need to be addressed first before anything else.