Battlefield 3 and/or Xbox 360


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone!

I was wondering if anyone here plays BF3 and/or has an Xbox 360 w/ xbox live? I think it'd be cool if we could all play games that aren't on the 3DS or the Wii, in addition to our Nintendo fandom.

Let me know
Nope. *insert fanboi bashing shooters comment here*
I does not have battlefield (Although it looks sweet) But I just got back on live a few days ago. feel free to add me: xxToon Ikexx
I have both of those, though I don't play my 360 too often and when I do it usually isn't BF3.

Still, add me if you like: Zexis0710
I'll add you guys when I get home. Let me know what 360 games you have for multiplayer, and perhaps I either have it or can get my hands on it
I have BF3 and CoD MW3 I forgot my xbox live username (lol fail right?) I'll post it once I get it.
Yes, I have Battlefield 3 and I love to play it online. It is one of my most favorite game and provide one of the best online gaming experience as compared to another action games.